All Cape Haze Area Rentals

Explore our extensive list of vacation rentals, from perfect single-family homes to smaller options we have it all. All conveniently located to amenities and attractions our Florida rental homes are sure to provide you a great home away from home on your next trip. Contact our office today for additional help finding the best vacation rental for your group!

Browse through our available rental properties to discover a place to stay that’s right for you. With over 20 homes to choose from and growing, you’ll be sure to find the perfect place to stay to fuel your dream vacation. Check out all of our wonderful vacation rentals in Rotonda, Port Charlotte, Englewood, South Gulf Cove, Manasota Key, and Palm Island.

At Florida Dreams Vacation Rentals we are ready, willing, and able to help you plan your trip from start to finish. Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway or to have a blast with friends, we have all the resources you need to ensure a fun-filled and unforgettable time with us. Our properties are perfect for any type of vacation that can accommodate up to 10 guests.